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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sisters and Brothers

Author's Note: Please read until the very bottom, I know it's long!

So, this weekend I rushed two sororities. I had to go to many parties and make small talk which was a huge challenge for me. I had to be on top of every question and have a darn good answer for every question. My head felt like a tilt a world because many times I would be talking to four women at once. It was utterly exhausting physically, mentally and emotionally. To show you how intense it was, I'll give you the schedule:

Thursday Night: Open House; getting to know about the sororities. Very easy and relaxed.

Friday Night: Round One: So, you line up in alphabetical order (strange but, OK), we went into a dark room (since there colors are black and red), a girl linked arms with you and you made small talk for a straight 45 minutes. Other girls would come up and make even more small talk.

Then you waited in your dorm for invitations back. I got two invitations back. So excited!

Saturday afternoon: In business casual attire, we basically did the same thing as Friday but with making crafts in support of their philanthropy. I was absolutely exhausted by the time the two parties have ended because I had to type for an hour for each sorority. I was now thinking:

- Why did I put myself through this?

- I should win an assistive technology award just for this weekend alone.

- It'll be worth it in the end

Saturday night: I am mentally preparing myself not to get into one certain sorority (the sorority I preferred) but to my surprise, I got invited back to that sorority and not the other one. Trust me, it was absolutely shocking!

Sunday Morning: I had the privilege of witnessing an extremely sacred ritual which was actually quite emotional for the women of this sorority.

12:00: I placed my bid.

2:00: I got a phone call saying that my bid was not matched. I was so upset, sad and crying.

I called Mom crying and she was sorry my heart was broken. I called Priscilla, my aide to tell her that she didn't have to come at 3:00 because I didn't have anywhere to go at 3:00 because I wasn't in a sorority. Instead, I just started crying. She came running over to comfort me.

I thought about it. She was in her pajamas and came to comfort me. That is what a sister would do. I have so many girls including Priscilla and all my new assistants: Kim, Jessica, Ashley, Cassie, Stacy, and Lindsey that would and have put down everything to come help me and I would do the same. They are loyal, kind and keep me laughing. I cannot thank them enough for all that they do. Kim is very dependable and trustworthy. Jessica is always there when I cry (she always gets the tears, don't know why). Ashley is a wonderful, funny and true friend. Priscilla is always there no matter what. Cassie is easygoing and always up for anything including a field trip with only two days notice. Stacy can laugh in the face of mishaps which is always a quality I admire. Finally, Lindsey is this outgoing and fun young woman who makes me laugh. All the ladies that help me have many beautiful qualities but I would have to write a whole other blog to brag about them fully. And, the wonderful thing is, I have these types of sisters at home and at Camp Courage. I even have these types of brothers.

I cannot publish this blog yet without mentioning one other name. Genevieve. Genevieve sees me as a big sister without any judgment or small talk. We will always be sisters and I will love you forever. That is a lifelong promise. This post is dedicated to you, Genevieve!

I did hesitate to write this post but there are going to be adventures that won't turn out in my favor and that's simply life!



P.S. David...you'll get your own post also! Don't worry!

DISCLAIMER: I do not resent the sororities for their decision or the college. This blog is simply a way of communicating with family and friends from home.
READER'S REMINDER: If you want to be part of an upcoming posting, please remember to jot down ELEVEN things you are grateful for. See previous post for details.


crusiera said...

Hannah you amaze me with every post you do. Sororities and fraternities don't allow diversity as far as Ive seen, They are often clique with narrow minded goals. So anyway good luck with stuff and many blessings.

Jessica Martin said...

You are such a great friend! You had all that going on and you still found time to send me flowers. Thank you so much! Remember that I will always be there for you even though you are at college. I love you like a sister. I love the picture of you and Gen! Hang in there! Love

Mike said...

HEY Hannah!!
Wow you are such a Go Getter!! It sounds like your very busy with school That's Great!! I miss you tons !! We have to get together No Ifs ands or buts about It!Katherine

Anonymous said...

Love the blog, Hannah!

Brought a tear to my eye! [tear tear]

Ps, you should win an award, lol.

jodi said...

I'm glad you pushed yourself to try but am very sorry you were disappointed. I have found that the most interesting people (yours truly) were not part of the greek system. Sounds like you've made some great friends! Miss you!